Sunday, February 17, 2008

Looking forward to U2 3D!

Release date of 2/22; hope it makes it to Rochester then. It sounds like it will be almost better than being there in person--great views and no being jostled by crowds or being behind the standing drunk guy (as I usually am).

yours in music,


uncle wally said...

what, you didn't go see them at Silver Stadium way back when?

uncle wally said...

like this -

Tracy Kroft said...

Okay, none of the guys who were interviewed in the parking lot of Silver Stadium was you, right?

uncle wally said...

nope - i was inside at the time. great show.

Tracy Kroft said...

Lucky you - what an amazing concert that must have been. One for the memory-books. Like when I went to see the Rolling Stones at Rich Stadium (my first concert) in 1981 and my date got wasted and threw up during all of Journey and George Thoroughgood.
That as a great show. Other than the rain, wind and vomit.

uncle wally said...

Yeah, can't remember why but I passed on the stones concert. ah well.