Friday, May 23, 2008

Wednesday Night/Thursday Morning at the Theater

Saw the midnight show of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls the other night/morning. I haven't been to a midnight movie since the days of Rocky Horror and only a couple of times then. Since my kids were going with their dad and his wife and their kids, and I was invited, and Joe was very excited about the prospect, I decided to forget the fact that I was going to be exhausted the next day and go along. Besides, I figured, I could sleep on Joe's shoulder like I did during the Bourne Ultimatum.

But no! It was a very entertaining and action-packed movie with character interest. It was great fun! And yes, I am still exhausted!

It was my Joe's birthday yesterday. I joined his family for cake. It's hard to really celebrate a birthday in the middle of the work week--especially when you're tired from a midnight movie!! I'm planning on taking him to Peter Geyer's Steakhouse since we had such a great meal there the last time we went, but that's a place for a leisurely Saturday night.

Andy Bey is in town this weekend for the Exodus to Jazz series; I'd love to see him at that rather than at the Jazz Fest. Evan Dobbins told me I'd like him, but I think tonight I am going to need to just chill and get to bed early. I hope a lot of people go. I'd like to hear about it.

yours in music,

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