Monday, March 24, 2008

PA Road Trip

Well, another exciting adventure to Pennsylvania, home of the Amish, their quilts, their candles and a porn shop every 10 miles or so. In fact, you are not five minutes across the border before you come to the one that always has the best marquee signs out front. We look forward to them every trip. Adult Gift Shop, Adult Video Store (or Superstore as the case may be), Gentlemen's Club, Mustang Sally's (I kid you not.) - whatever they want to call them, they're all over. It does make us laugh. I thought I'd share. (Photos courtesy of Caroline.)

yours in music (and other stuff)


uncle wally said...

let me get this straight - you and the dog go to porn shops in Pennsylvania? Man, you are a wild one.

Tracy Kroft said...

No, my daughter was there, too. She took the photos. We don't stop, silly, we just look and appreciate. The dog, however, laughs.

Hey, did you see that weird comment on my last post? I clicked on the commentor's (sp?) link and it took me to a Brazilian HP website I think. Can you look at it and give me your opinion?

You are the blogging guru, you see.

uncle wally said...

looks like the equivalent of blog spam (don't know if there is a technical term for it yet). the wife got the same thing on her blog the other day.

Tracy Kroft said...

Lovely, even my blog gets spam. On the upside, I received an email from a reader (I know!!!) and he is a bass player looking for people to play with. He's in a jazz band now, but wants more, I guess--jazz/blues. Always a nice surprise to hear from someone who reads my stuff. You looking for a bassist?

uncle wally said...

I could be looking for a bassist. Sometimes Squeaky Chair needs a sub.

Tracy Kroft said...

I'll give you his email address if you give me yours so I can send it privately.