Saturday, April 28, 2007

Is a Ladies' Room Attendant Really Necessary?

Went to Hi Fidelity last night. As we walked up, I was disappointed to see that the exterior was just the same except for a new name marquee and a new mailbox. (I noticed this because it was just like mine.) Anyway, inside I was happy to see the same guy was still the "bouncer" because he was a sweetheart of a man who walked me to my car on the occasions that I was "without companion," and I would have hated to think he'd lost his job. The inside did appear more spacious; the bar as well. The walls were painted--with a faux finish no less--a lovely shade of blue. However, the tables and chairs and barstools all seemed the same. And when I ventured to the Ladies' Room, I was sorely disappointed to see almost no difference save the Bathroom Attendant. Yes, they repainted the stalls (over the stickers) a lovely shade of sh** brown. I think the sinks were new. Props for that. But why that level of "luxury" required an Attendant I had to wonder. I came out of my stall, and there she was at the ready to squirt my one pump of handsoap into my hands. It just wasn't enough. I had to ask for another squirt. She hovered about six inches from my elbow as I washed and rinsed my hands, ready to pounce with the towel as soon as I appear suds-free. So, two squirts of soap and one towel later, I left a buck in her basket and returned to my table. Seems oddly pretentious for a dump of a bathroom to have an attendant. But . . . who am I to say?

We saw Allegro. They are a party band for sure. And they looked like they were having a party up there--the interaction and play with the musicians was lively. The musicianship was more than adequate with high points--Dave Marinelli on keyboard, Gene Rogalski finally got a solo on guitar, the horn section was cool, and the vocalists were having a blast with each other and with the crowd. A fun band all around.

music rules the world,


Tom D said...

Hi, my name is Tom and I've never been in the ladies room at Hi Fidelity (which is also the name of a great movie, by the way). I was in the men's room at Hi Fidelity recently and the only thing special about the place that I recall is the attendant. I don't like restroom attendants anywhere or anytime to begin with, but especially not in a small space like that.
I am looking forward to reading more of Tracy's reviews and comments on the Rochester music scene as my impression is she has some great insights to share.
Also, best of luck to Tracy at her new job. Her co-workers at the U of R will miss her vibrant personality and riveting tales of adventure.

Tracy Kroft said...

Thank you, Tom. And to think, I didn't even have to pay you to say all that nice stuff. I will miss you, miss sharing music and music talk, and miss all our lunch time (and other time) banter! I'll be back to visit!