Saturday, May 17, 2008

TicketMaster Saga Parts II and III

Part II
Well, Thursday after having received no reply (other than "We received your email inquiry and will get back to you . . .") from TicketMaster, I called and got Sharonna on the phone. She was very nice and assured me that she could help with the situation. This she started to do, but we came to a standstill when I did not have the correct credit card with me. I was calling from work, and I try not to carry any credit cards with me so that I don't spend any money that I don't really have. So I was going to have to call back.

Part III
I called this afternoon and got Peter. After retelling my story, once again he assured me that he could help me. I was put on hold several times when he had to go consult with a supervisor because my "account was flagged" or this or that. Finally, he came back and said that he would email me the tickets and I could print them myself. Somehow in all of this, my account was supposedly credited for my VIP parking pass, so I had no pass. He could only reissue a regular parking pass. Why, you say? I don't know; he never did explain. He was nice enough to say that he would call me again in 30 minutes to see if I had received his email which should take no more than 20 minutes. He was good as his word, called back, but there was no email. Hmm. He didn't know why, and now there were even more "flags on the account." I was getting very tense and nervous. After putting me on hold and returning several times, he said that he had successfully emailed my tickets and (regular) parking pass. He promised to call me back again in 30 minutes to see if I'd received it.

In the meantime, I was on the phone with Joe, and I was telling him all about it and how nervous I was. I decided to peek at my email to see if the message with the tickets and pass had arrived. Imagine my surprise when I found that they had!!! I printed them successfully. Yay!! Peter, good to his word, called me back again, and I was happy to tell him that all was well. Next time I order tickets via TicketMaster, I think I will choose the "print-your-own" fast ticket option right from the get-go and not risk having them lost/stolen/damaged!

I have to say I am very grateful to TicketMaster Peter for getting this all straightened out.

All is well in music,


Futter said...

Glad it (mostly) worked out. Hope your auditing went well last night. Tackling mine tomorrow at 3 PM.

Tracy Kroft said...

Good luck with that. Mine was lovely.

uncle wally said...

I think you mean "peek" and not "peak" regarding looking at your e-mail. Other than that, glad it all worked out.

Tracy Kroft said...

Yes, Uncle Wally, I know the difference between "peek" and "peak" and even "pique." This is what comes of typing too fast. Thanks for bringing my typo to my attention so I could edit!

uncle wally said...

wow, forgot about pique. must have replied early in the morning or late at night.

Tom D said...

So how was the Steely Dan concert? always one of my favorites (so why didn't I go?)