Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!

Greetings of the season! I marvel at how fast the time flies now between Thanksgiving and Christmas and how we fill it with so many tasks, so many things and so much tension. I remember, as a child, how long I seemed to have to wait until Santa came and the wonderful trip to Midtown to shop and see Santa and "going visiting" or entertaining friends and relatives in the days and weeks leading up to Christmas. I know I'm not the only person who is feeling like we've traded some of the magic in return for the madness of our hectic and non-stop lives. I'd like to go back.

In case anyone is in search of great music on their Christmas Eve, the 9:00 Mass at Spiritus Christi is sure to delight with Kathy Welch's choir accompanied by musicians like Bill Tiberio. Then, at 11:00, the "Midnight" Mass begins with the crowd-pleasing Gospel Choir. Come early and hear some of the choir members entertain you with music and carols of the season.

Well, packages await--needing to be wrapped and "bowed" and filled with love. I wish you all a merry, and musical, Christmas and a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.

yours in music,

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