Saturday, July 7, 2007

No music this weekend, sorry!

I'll try to do better next weekend.

Last night was ice cream only, and tonight was a seat on the beach at Marge's on the lake at SeaBreeze. When the sun is setting, the stars are coming out, the breeze is a warrm and gentle caress, and you can hear the sound of the water hitting the sand, it's almost like being someplace other than Rochester. What a beautiful night. There were even fireworks off to the west.


1 comment:

Tom D said...

Marge's, I haven't been there in years!! It sounds like a wonderful way to spend a Rochester evening. I leave next Saturday (just 6 more days!) for a week in the Outer Banks. We've rented a beach house so I hope to see lots of sun rises and sets. I don't anticipate much of a music scene but I'll let you know what I find while I'm down there.

We will have to schedule a lunch after I get back.